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FIBA confirms the Countries Still Qualified For 2024 Paris Olympic Men’s Ball

FIBA has affirmed the 19 public groups that utilized the World Cup to play their direction into last-chance qualifying competitions for the Paris Olympics the following summer.

Egypt, Angola and Ivory Coast will continue on from Africa, and from Asia and Oceania the groups that cutting-edge were Lebanon, Philippines and New Zealand.

They’ll join five victors of pre-qualifying competitions – – Cameroon, Bahamas, Bahrain, Poland and Croatia – – in the last-ditch opportunities to make the Olympic field.

The competitions are as of now booked for July 2-7, 2024. The method involved with offering to be have locales, and the granting of those destinations, isn’t finished.

The 24 still-alive countries will be brought into one of four competitions made out of six groups each. The four victors of those competitions will arrive at the Paris Olympics, where they’ll join France, World Cup champion Germany, Serbia, Canada, the U.S., Australia, Japan and South Sudan in the Olympic field.

The World Cup is the essential qualifier for the Olympics. France got its offered as the host country and the seven different groups with spots previously got helped them through their completion at the World Cup.